One day, I shall have this whole blog-on-a-normal-schedule thing down.
I just seem to have trouble figuring out to make it part of my daily routine right now.
I say the summer is the perfect time to practice.
I actually have a lot I want to blog about and get out there, but we'll just play a game of catch up for the time being.
If you had asked my just 2 weeks ago, I would have told you that this summer, I would be solely in Muncie. I was supposed to be design editor for our Ball State Daily News student-run newspaper (which I will often refer to as 'the DN'), continue my internship at The Star Press, Muncie's local paper, and take a few classes.
But one phone call shook up my plans.
Now, my time is going to be divided between Muncie and Indy. Half away, half at home.
The Indianapolis Star called me during finals week, asking me to step in to fill a Pulliam Fellowship position that somebody had dropped.
The Pulliam Fellowship. Now
that was something I couldn't turn down.
So while I had to back out of continuing at The Star Press, I am maintaining my position as design editor for the university paper. And while going back and forth each week will be a lot of gas — a
lot of gas — I will be, let's just say,
very well paid altogether.
For now, I am living just in Muncie working for the DN and The Star Press, until I start working in Indy in June.
So what can you expect me to share with the blogosphere this summer?
• Lessons I learn while getting my first taste of living on my own, outside of the dorms.
• New experiences of working in a real city and a bigger internship.
• Inspiration I find for design and DIY projects and cooking and...anything.
• My own DIY projects and planning as I prepare to move into an apartment this fall.
• Weekly themed posts floating out there from other lovely bloggers.
• Random tidbits of the rest of my life, from the music I'm listening to, new goals and dreams, or just my latest rants and raves.
So here's to being a better — and hopefully more interesting! — blogger :)