Guilty pleasures. We all have them. Some may be embarrassing, but hey, their called "guilty pleasures" for a reason.
1. Venti Passion Fruit Tea Lemonade. This is my newest guilty pleasure. My friend had it earlier this week and had me try it...I've had at least 4 or 5 since, and plan on getting another one later today! (Good thing I've got a Starbucks gift card!) They are delicious, and only cost $3.10. (At least, that's what they cost on campus.)
2. Spending money. I'm awful about it. I love shopping, but I am an impulse buyer. I will go to the store with a short list of necessities, and when I leave I'll have spent about $50 unnecessary dollars. I'm in trouble today, because I just got paid, and I heard that the Muncie Old Navy is closing and has a bunch of awesome sales. AND I have a 30% discount card from a friend. Hopefully I can find some self control...
3. Driving without purpose. I "waste" so much gas. I love just driving around by myself. I love it even more if it is warm and sunny; you'll find me driving around with the windows down and the music up. It's my me-time. I can just think about anything and everything, or sing at the top of my lungs. This is why I always take the long way home when I'm alone!
4. ABC Television. I am mainly referring to LOST and DWTS, but wanted to keep this to one category. With LOST, so many people think the show is awful and purposeless, but I am in love with it. It's so quirky and keeps you guessing. I can't wait to find out how it ends! As for DWTS, I want to become famous for the sole reason of maybe being on DWTS. I'm serious. It just looks like so much fun and I love watching dancing. I want to learn ballroom someday. (And I wouldn't complain if I had Derek, Mark, or Maks to teach me!)
5. Bejeweled Blitz. I don't think I've used any Facebook application as much as I do this one. It's just a game, but it is so addicting. And the games are only a minute long, so I'll just say "oh, I'll just play one more." An hour later I wonder where the time went, and why my homework isn't started!
Want to be in the 5 for Friday action? Visit my sister's blog at jaggedlittlelife.blogspot.com.
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