
Burnt out. And not by the sun. It is summer, right?

Is it Wednesday yet?
Pretty sure it's time for me to jump on the So What Wednesday bandwagon
with half a summer's worth of so what's.

Beginning with:
So what if I fail at blogging on a regular basis.

That's a big one. And it's a work in progress.
It's bad when you haven't blogged so long that the dashboard layout has changed and you no longer know your way around.

So, in my true nature, how about a catch up post.

If you do the math, I am technically working...
60 hours a week.

[It's summer vacation. Is that even allowed??]

But it will be worth it in the end.
My résumé and distant future career will thank me.

My current sleep schedule and lack of leisurely activities will not.
But let's stick to the important stuff.

The Indianapolis Star is not what I expected.
But I don't mean that in a bad way.
It's just different.
New, great experiences, for sure.

And I think design editing up at my school paper simultaneously has made me not only a better designer all around, but a better leader, too.
And it keeps me excited for the full staff to return in the fall.

Actually, I'm ready for fall in general.
School things aside, I just miss it.

And mark my words, I will return to the promises I made at the beginning of the summer very soon!

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