
Cutting out the excess stress

In visual journalism, 
we have a practice when it comes to editing maps
of cutting out the "map fat."

Well, let's just say that when it comes to life,
I just cut out some "stress fat."

After some great deliberation,
I decided to drop my Spanish class.
And my minor.

I decided that two more classes
wouldn't enhance my skills
that much more.
So why waste my time,
on something stressing me out,
for nothing?

So it's done.
And now I have three more hours in my week.


  1. Interestingly...I started out college with a Math major and Computer Science minor. Somewhere along the way I switched to a Marketing major and Management minor. Sometime after that, I figured out if I took a full load during all of the summer sessions (one summer) I could use pre-requisites for one major or minor as electives in the others. Ultimately, I graduated with a double major and double minor. You never know how it'll turn out.

  2. I'm actually considering a computer science minor! Or possibly just taking some journalism writing course. I'm not sure yet, but just thinking through everything as I go :)
