
Let's talk tabs...

Sometimes, I just keep adding tabs to one of my Safari windows to things I want to go back to when I have the time, or in this case, things I wanted to share but just didn't have the time to blog at the time.

First off, I have up my blogger homepage, situated on my list of blogs I stalk follow. I seriously spent a big chunk of my Saturday afternoon sifting through all sorts of design blogs, from graphic to interior. And I was finding blog inspiration along the way, thus my second tab is an entry waiting to happen. My own rendition of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" from Aly at Analyze This will be coming soon.

I am also in love with the lovely blog titled D E S I G N L O V E F E S T, and the brains behind it is Bri Emery, who is phenomenal. I want to be this awesome as a graphic designer when I get older. And her work space is sweet as well. Check out her "office" (if you can call it that), inspiration, and whatnot in this interview from Design*Sponge, another new favorite site that is another open tab on my internet right now.

Moving along, as if I haven't gushed about enough design stuff already, this website called House Industries is full of cool, amazing fonts! The designer in me can't help but feel giddy.

As for the interior design geek in me, I bought the cutest wall decor at Target yesterday:

I got so excited when I saw it, and my roommate thought I was ridiculous. But, it is definitely going to serve as inspiration for my room decor in my apartment next year! Speaking of, my next tab is this cute fabric I found online at Joann's:

I plan on covering my little ottoman with it, or something similar.

[I'm also planning a trip to the flea market next weekend with a roommate and a friend. So excited!]

And my last tab up is from the Ball State academics page. I've decided to take on an entrepreneurship minor. (And I successfully spelled that on the first try!) Anyways, after some inspiration from reading about some awesome designers, I decided that freelance on the side of my future job would be amazing, but I want to be able to make the most of it. I figured this area of study would not only be a huge help, but extremely interesting as well!

So, here's to the small things making my days bright. I'm fighting the February blues the best way I know how! :)

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