
TOP TWO TUESDAY -> Magazines

I am a magazine junkie, so this week's topic is right up my alley! As a journalism graphics major, I am a nerd about picking up any publication and examining its design and all around focus, but I am also a devoted reader of many magazines out there. But for now, here's my top 2 favorites, and just for fun, a favorite from my younger years.

1. Glamour. To me, it's Cosmo but with less sex. I think this magazine focuses more on everything about being a healthier, more beautiful, and more knowledgeable woman inside and out. I respect most of the women that grace the magazine's cover each month and enjoy finding out about the down-to-earth appeal of many of them.

2. Teen Vogue. This magazine became a favorite of mine after its redesign. It's smaller size suits it and the design is playful and appealing. As for the content, I'm definitely beginning to grow out of its target audience, but I still admire the focus. It does place emphasis on fashion and beauty, and I like how they venture outside of comfort zones and challenge young women to make fashion their own. Outside of the fashion world though, this magazine tackles important, relevant issues. (And they also will occasional look outside Hollywood's brightest spotlight and feature lesser-known stars on their covers.)

Flashback favorite: Girl's Life. I was obsessed with this magazine as a pre-teen. I can't even remember much about it, but I do remember that I excitedly awaited its appearance in my mailbox each month. I would then proceed to read it cover-to-cover that same day.

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