
Evening strolls along the Thames

One night during my second rotation in London, a group of girls and I wandered down to the Thames to get some photos of the London Eye.

Evening walks on the river just might be my new favorite thing. The way the sunset mixed with the lights across the river and along the walkways was just gorgeous. And it’s no secret that I have a slight obsession with sunsets already. My Instagram is proof of that.

However, that evening did teach me that my camera, while taking fantastic photos in the daytime, doesn’t really cut it at night. That shot of the Eye after dark is so fuzzy! But that investment will just have to wait.

It didn’t take away from the experience.

Did you know that the colors of the Eye are being driven by Tweets about the Olympics? Check out my friend Emily’s graphic (with the photo by Val!) about it that ran in the Chicago Tribune here.

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