
MIxed Tape Tuesday

Well after somewhat of a hiatus, with time for just England posts and then catching up with the start of the semester, Mixed Tape Tuesday is back!

The beginning of classes always brings a fair amount of stress while I am getting back into the swing of things, and it's those times when I channel my inner child and say the 5-year-old version of 'f*** it': 'hakuna matata.'

So here's a few of my go-to Disney songs when I need a little pick me up, or just want to ignore the fact that I have to be a true adult in about eight months.

1. I'll Make A Man Out of You - from Mulan

2. Just Can't Wait to be King - from The Lion King

3. A Whole New World - from Aladdin

4. Colors of the Wind - from Pocahontas

5. Hakuna Matata - from The Lion King

Want more? // Just Around the River Bend Radio  // For the kid at heart.

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